JLA Argentina - Alejandro Roca
Alberdi 3
Alejandro Roca, Cordoba - 2686
P: +54-358-4980900
F: +54-358-4980900
JLA Argentina S.A. - General Cabrera
BV Italia 1150
General Cabrera. Cordoba - 5809
Phone+54-358-4931983; 4931340
Fax +54-358-4931271
Contact: Roberto Sandrini
Phone 011-54-358-493-1594
JLA Argentina S.A. - General Deheza
Juan Pablo II 482
General Deheza. Cordoba - 5923
P: +54-358-4952333
E-mail: info@jla.com.ar
JLA Brazil - Tupa, Brazil JLA Brazil laboratorio de Alimentos limitada
Av. Tamoios N410, CEP
Tupa, Sao Paulo, Brazil
P: 011-55-14-3441-7268
Fax: 011-55-14-3441-7268
Contact: Luiz Aparecido de Almeida
Contact: Pablo Rivera - QA
E-mail: info@jlabrasil.com.br
Google Map
JLA Brazil - Marilia, Brazil JLA Brazil laboratorio de
Av. Carlos Tosin
860 CEP 17.512-120
Marilia, Sao Paulo, Brazil
P: (55)(14)3415-2295
F: (55) (14) 3415-2128
Contact: Alvaro Bellini
Contact: Pablo Rivera - QA
E-mail: info@jlabrasil.com.br
Google Map
JLA China - Qing Dao, China
Room 101, Building B, 306-II Ningxia Rd.
Qingdao 266071, Shandong, China
Phone 011-86-532-8210-7128
Contact: Zhang Peng
Fax 011-86-532-8210-7127
E-mail: zhangpeng@jla-cn.com
JLA China - J & C Test Technologies
Room 101, Building B
306-II Ningxia Road, Qingdao 266071
Shandong, China
Contact: Zhang Peng
JLA USA - Albany, Georgia
3016 Kensington Ct
Albany, GA 31721
Phone 229-405-6744
Fax 229-405-6753
E-Mail: jlaalbany@jlaglobal.com
NTegra a JLA Member Co.- Williamsa
c/o Peterson Ranch
1795 Cortina School Rd.
Arbuckle, CA 95912
P.O. Box 1587
Williams, CA 95987
P: 530-473-2446
F: 530-473-2331
Contact: Saul Aguilar
E-mail: saulaguilar@jlaglobal.com
Sensory Analysis
Getting it Right—Taste
JLA provides sensory analysis and consulting services for the food and beverage industries. JLA has developed a sensory system which is capable of characterizing flavor attributes in raw materials as well as finished products. We have extensive experience in sensory analysis of peanuts.
Collaboration & Panelist Training
JLA has an internal check system that provides yearly training. Flavor panelists participate in monthly collaborations to maintain certification. In addition, JLA’s standards and training tools are maintained by a third party sensory lab.
Peanut Off-Notes
- Burnt
- Cardboardy
- Earthy
- FSOR (Fermented/Sour/Overripe Fruit)
- Metallic
- Musty/Moldy
- Painty/Old Oil
- Plastic/Chemical
Test results are available by phone, fax or email.
Inherent Peanut Characteristics
Inherent Peanut Characteristics |
Aromatics | Basic Taste | Chemical Feeling |
Roasted Peanutty | Sweet | Astringent |
Dark Roast | Sour | |
Raw Beany/Green | Bitter | |
Sweet Aromatics | Salty | |
Woody/Hull Skins |